Monday, May 14, 2012


At night when it is dark.  When the house is quiet.   That is when I miss him the most.   I remember being pregnant. I held him close.  I was anxiously awaiting for him to be born.  I never imagined he would not come.

Out of habit I still reach down to touch my stomach.  I expect to feel him there.   But once my hands caress the emptiness of my womb I remember.  I remember he isn't there.  I remember he is gone.  I remember it all.  I remember the numbness when they told me he was gone.  I remember giving birth to a quiet baby boy.  I felt his body leave mine.  I remember closing my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch.  I didn't see it happen.  Yet, now I watch it in my mind play again and again.

I see it in my mind again.  I cry.  I sob.  My body shakes.  I cannot believe this is real.  I want to scream...


I want to do this over again.  I want him to be born alive.  I want to be nursing him right now in the night instead of typing a stupid blog.  I can't believe this actual happened to me.  My body foolishly went along.  It had no choice.  I was in labor.  It was time for his birth. 


How can that be?  Didn't they just say that he passed away.  How do you have death then birth?  It doesn't make any sense to me.  Why did my body go along with it?  Why didn't I just refuse to give birth that day?  My body starts to shake.  I remember.  My mind tries to make sense of the memory. There must be some mistake my heart shouts.  Surely, it is not possible that this happened. 


I was pregnant.  I carried my baby for nine months.  I caressed his body inside of mine.  I listened to his heartbeat over and over and over again.  I felt him move.  I felt him kick.  I felt him hiccup.  I felt him quiver and shake. 


 There it is...what did I say?  I felt him quiver and shake.  Wait!  Is that ok for him to quiver and shake?  I remember touching my belly and finding it strange.  I will be so glad when his born. I don't want to worry anymore. 


I said he went quiver and shake.  When did he do that again?  I can't remember when it happened.  Was it more than once?  Why didn't I tell someone you ask?  What was there to tell?  I had been pregnant 5 other times.   I knew what I was doing...I was letting my body do what it knew to do...grow a baby.  I was expecting my mind to cooperate.  Don't ask too many questions. Don't worry about every little movement.  This must just be normal for this baby. 


When was that I felt him quiver and shake?  Was it moments before he died or the week before when it happened?  Why doesn't the memory come to me now?  My memory feels all jumbled and forgotten.  It is like I am placing it all out of place. I need to know.  I need to know all those last movements.  I need something to make sense.  Was he moving or was he not?


Now I know when I felt him move.  I am sure of it.  It was on Friday.  He was moving all around. All the movements were just right, right?  Now I am not sure.  Was that movement normal or was it the beginning of what was to become the end? 


When was the last time I felt him move?  Friday can't be right.  Was it the night before his birth?  I was going to sleep right?  I pushed and pushed and he moved a bit. More of a movement out of annoyment, but he moved nonetheless.  I fell asleep. I woke in the night.  Was he moving then?  I don't know.  Why don't I know?  Why can't I remember if he moved that night or not? 


Oh now I remember the distraction.  It was called labor.  Labor pains!   I was feeling pain. Labor got my attention.  The contractions were strong.  Why were the contractions so loud?  Now I can't remember if he was moving.  That seems like a stupid excuse.  I still remember feeling Caleb move while I was in labor.  Was he moving or not?  When did I last feel him move?


I can't watch this anymore.  I can't breath.  I literally feel like my heart is being ripped from my body.  Please don't touch me.  Make it STOP!  Can't you see what just happened to me?  I was in labor.  I was giving birth. 


My baby is already dead.  Death before birth.  It just doesn't make any sense.  Oh, it can't be. Please tell me this did not happen to me.


  1. this is so heart wrenching. I am so sorry for your loss

  2. Oh how my heart hurts for you. I know that feeling all to well. I had just seen my Jonathan on the 3d could he be dead. I would of swore I felt him move the night after they told me he was dead. It was awful. I am so very sorry you have to walk this path. I ma saying a prayer for you now! I am happy to have found your blog I joined and will be reading along! (BIG HUGS)

  3. Im Nan, visiting from Teshas blog. I am so so sorry, tears reading this...keep writing, bless your little boy in heaven and your family on earth...big hugs,xoxoxo

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. My son, Ryan was born into Heaven just 10 days before little Seth. Your writing is real, raw, and beautiful. May it serve to help you grieve and heal your heart. Seth was absolutely beautiful.

  5. I am so so sorry for your loss. This post is so real, honest, and raw. I'm so sorry you have a reason for this blog, but am glad you are able to use it as an outlet. There are so many times I've sat down to write and I think to myself "I hate this blog! I don't want this blog!"

    I also can relate to the nighttime thing. I still hate going to bed (6 months later). I'm actually avoiding it now. Here's a post I wrote about it a couple of months ago,

    I wish I could just give you a great big hug right now and hold you tight, but this will have to do *hugs*

  6. I understand completely. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I will keep you on my prayers. My son too was born still on February 10,2012.

  7. Kim, you are so often in my thoughts and prayers. It is okay to feel all of this and to express it. Love and hugs!
